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FAQ -> E-Mail

further E-Mail information


Storage space

By default, each mailbox has 300MB of storage space for emails.

Please note: A mail server is not a file server. Binary data is one third larger when saved as an email attachment.


To prevent spam, accounts have a maximum number of emails that can be sent within a certain time.

Current information about the quota of your account can be found in the Mailconf interface (see below).


Forwards und Filter

Mailing Listen

Mailconf Interface


In the so-called Mailconf interface (www4.inf.h-brs.de/mailconf) you will find current details about your e-mail account:

Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Department of Computer Science - Imprint - Data Privacy Statement
  1. Quota
  2. BIND DN
  3. Forwards und Filter
  4. Mailing Listen
  5. Mailconf Interface